Monday, September 05, 2005


Sing to me Muse,
And infuse my prose
With sweet words
That soar o'er land thru air
And bear fair news
To where I stand
From the heartland!

OK, so a poet I am NOT. But I DID spend Labor Day weekend in Indiana: Huntington, Indiana, to be specific.

What is in Huntington, IN? Well, I saw a sign for the "Dan Quayle Museum," but somehow I find it difficult to see ANYONE making a pilgrimage to that, um, mecca of political genius.

Rather, I was there for my favorite cousin's wedding reception. Tani married Vidya in India this July, but work kept me from attending. The bride's family was good enough to organize a US reception this weekend near their hometown of Fort Wayne, giving us delinquents a second chance.

Speaking of Fort Wayne, it has an airport. An INTERNATIONAL airport, no less. Vidya: "The airport is international because there's a cargo flight to Canada." FWA has one terminal, with two floors, and four gates per floor. Yeah.

In any case, Tani's a venture capitalist who did his PhD and MBA in the US, and Vidya's an attorney who for the most part grew up in the US. Quite the power couple. It was hilarious watching the video footage of the traditional wedding in India - you could tell they were counting on everyone around them to keep them from screwing up. And Tani _looked like a medieval warrior_ in his outfit.

Anyhow, it was great to finally meet Vidya and it was good to spend some time with my parents - I don't get to see them nearly often enough. And Indiana will be with me, in the deepest repressed recesses of my soul, for decades to come.

The groom's side of the family. My father and Tani are on either side of me. My mother is in front of Dad, my aunt (Tani's mother) is in front of me, and Vidya is in front of Tani.