Monday, February 23, 2009

Alpine Goals for 2009

Given my long distance relationship, there's a chance that this may be my last summer in the area for awhile. I'm hoping to attempt the following:

The Brothers Traverse, early season
Mt. Clark or Mt. Mystery, solo scramble
Mt. Shuksan via Fisher Chimneys
Mt. Baker, probably via Coleman/Deming Glaciers
Forbidden Peak, West Ridge (bringing crampons this time)
Sloan Peak, corkscrew route
Mt. Rainier, ideally Kautz Glacier

Let me know if you'd like to team up for anything!


Laurel Fan said...

Kautz, eh?

Sam Dwarakanath said...

I haven't been up Rainier yet, so I'm open to other routes as well. From what I've read though, I'd love to try the Kautz in June.